Sunday, November 15, 2009

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

March Winds Are Blowing

March is going out like a Lion this year in my neck of the woods. The weather isn't too bad, but it is plenty windy around here!! We had a few nice days a week or so ago, but then it got ice cold. It has since warmed up a bit, but as I said the winds have picked too. That means the winds of change are blowing around here as well. We need to use these winds to blow away some of our own bad habits and make some needed changes to our lives. What changes have you made in your life recently?? Have they been for the better?? Have they been for the worse?? Has your life basically stayed the same?? We need to make sure that our changes are generally posistive in nature. We do not need to go backwards by making negative changes to our life. We should concentrate on only moving forward towards our goals. Do not let the Winds of Change blow you back off course.
I beleive that these March Winds will bring about the April Showers that we can use to wash off all the old habits and refocus our minds on those long lost New Year's Resolutions that we have made year after year. Let this be the year that we actually accomplish them and make those changes in our lives. The best way to do that is by making positive changes in your health and lifestyle!! There is an organization forming now that could be the change we are all looking for. I beleive it will change the way we think!! It will help re-shape our approach to wellness in this country!!
Click Here and type in DVD for a 5 minute video that may change your life for the better. Change is coming!! Will you ride the wind to sucess, or just be Blown Away!!!
Thanks again for your time and support!!
Tim C.

Monday, March 16, 2009

March Winds

Have you ever heard the saying March Winds bring April Showers which bring May Flowers that Bloom in June?? My mother used to say it all the time when I was younger to help explain the change of seasons to me. It signifies the end of a cold Winter leading into a warm Spring and a Beautiful Summer. I think we all need to let the March winds blow away alot of things this month, so we can get ourselves ready for the Summer of our Dreams. Let the Recession just blow away. Stop thinking about finances for a few days and start planning a healthy Spring and Summer. The weather is starting to get a little warmer. I know, it's still windy, but it is much warmer these days. Let's get the family together and go outside to the park or to the beach. get some fresh air and see the world. Pull yourselves from in front of the TV or Computer screen, go outside and feel the wind rush through your hair. Let the March Winds bring upon those April Showers, so they May wash away your troubles and you May bloom in June!! Now is the time to get yourself ready for the summer.
Thanks again for your time and support!!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

I know this holiday season is going to be a pretty stressful one for most people. As Tim said in his post, there are lot of things to be worried about from Wall Street to Main Street these days. We have a lot of various issues to contend with ourselves. Tis the Season, so join the crowd. How we handle our stress will determine just how Happy our Holidays really are. We should not let our fears get the best of us and make us pull back from doing the things we need to do to maintain a healthy lifestyle. We need to find more conservative ways to do some things, just like most Americans are having to do these days. That does not mean we go back to the Value Menu at McDonalds or the lobby vending machine for lunch. It does not mean we cancel our gym membership and stop investing in our fitness equipment for the home and office. You need to take this time to invest in presents for your freinds and family that will help them make healthier decisions. We should invest in their health buy getting them a trial membership at your gym or a local gym, pay for them to attend a class or seminar with you, buy them a bike (so they don't have that as an excuse anymore), a pair of running shoes, enter you both in a local 5k or the entire family in a Marathon Relay, buy them some fitness videos or fitness equipment. Your healthy choices are almost endless this holiday. Start thinking of it as a way to get head start on 2009. Even in these tough times, we want to make 2009 our best year ever.
Invest in a Happy New Year by making Healthy Holiday purchases in 2008.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Here we go again on Wall Street!!

Another down day on Wall Street and a Major Power Outage in my area have only addd to the misgivings people are having about the economy. They do not want to make additional capital expenditures in these tough times. People are nervous about keeping their jobs and paying their bills. The stress is building and building in people and something has to give. We all can only hope and pray that it is not our health. That is why I am recomending to everyone I know to start investing in themselves and their families. What is your GREATEST ASSET??? It's not your house, your jewelry or your fancy car. It's YOUR HEALTH!! (and the health of your immediate family!!) Nothing, I repeat NOTHING is more important than your health. Some may say family, friends, career or some other important thing, but without your health you cannot participate in things like work or church and you may even become a burden on those family members you hold in such high regard. You should not place anything over the health of your family either. Our family members' health is also very important to us, because it impacts us physically, emotionally and financially. An illness in the family could lead to missed days of school or work, which could cause hardship later on down the line. That is why we need to start investing in and for our future!!

We need to invest our capital in better better foods and additional high quality activities. We need to invest our time in exercising and living an active lifestyle!! We need to invest our time and money into education!! We need to invest in courses on healthy cooking/shopping/living. This may seem like a lot to be investing in, but it pales in comparison to the amount of time and money a severe illness can cost you. As the old saying goes, "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound cure!!" We need to start using those ounces of prevention to shed a few extra pounds. The best way to do that is to get to know yourself a little better. What are your strengths and weaknesses?? What do you need to do to be a better husband, father, brother, sister, friend, neighbor, co-worker?? Start answering those questions and you can start to develop a plan for investing in yourself. Work on strengthening your weaknesses and keep an eye out for articles, classes and seminars that could help you.

I can't lie to you, living healthy can be expensive!! Organic and locally produced products are not cheap, so you will have to make an additional capital investment in order to benefit from using these products. Seeing specialists, joining a gym, hiring a personal trainer, taking a weekend cooking class, attending a seminar, getting a massage, aromatherapy or other holistic treatment can also seem to be a financial burder, but in the long run your body and your family will thank you for investing in them. Think about investing in yourself before you reach out to your broker or log on to E-Trade. Better yet, here is a question to ask your broker. What holding in my portfolio is worth more or more important than my health?? Let me know what he or she says to that. (Berkshire Hathaway went up $500 a share today. Would that be more important to you than your own health or the health of your significant other?? Hmmmm!!)
Talk to you soon!!!
Tim C.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Late Night Ramblings!!

Here I am working online late at night again tonight. At least tonight I have time to write my blog entry. Pardon any mispellings, as I am a little beat. I have been working on some marketing material for a couple of upcoming events I am planning with some fellow Chamber Members. Our Open House was such a sucess that we are going to be doing some spin-off events. We have made some GREAT contacts and are looking forward doing BIG things to end the year and get off to a GREAT start in the New Year. I have drafts for a couple of Press Releases, Introductory Letters, Invitations, PostCards, Fliers and the start of an E-Mail Campaign. I have just reworked some things I was going to try in the past, but I could never get the right people to participate in the program. This time I believe I have found the right team!! It is going to be a "Make 2009 Your Best Year Ever" campaign. It will take place as a series of events from December 2008 through March 2009. These events will flow right in to the upcoming Jersey Shore Relay, with its Health & Wellnes Expo in April and the NJ Marathon Expo in May. Both events will have a Phytness Focus, as yours truly is heavily involved in the coordination of both Expos. New Postcards have just arrived for the 1st Annual Asbury Park Realy Marathon, which will takplace in October 2009. I have HIGH Hopes for the coming year.

I will keep you updated on the progress of this new series of events. We will focus on ending 2008 on a high note and getting off to great a start in 2009. We will be working with local business owners and professionals to put together some intersting and informative events in the coming months. The High Tide lifts all boats, so let us all get onboard and enjoy the ride. The high tide will enable us to ride this wave through the spring and summer until we are looking back at the summer of 2009 as one of the Best Ever!! Be on the lookout for information about upcoming events!! Time to crash!! Goodnight!!

Thanks again for your time and support!!

Tim. C

Happy Holidays???

Have we all started planning our holidays yet?? I know this is shaping up to be one of those years. Money is tight. Stress is rising both at work & at home. Most of us haven't even started Christmas Shopping. We don't have a single present for anybody yet. When are we going start?? How are we going to pay for everything?? How are we going to make it until 2010?? What can we do to stop from spiraling out of control??

Stop, Think and Plan!!! If you fail to plan, you plan to fail!! Take a few deep breaths, grab some paper and a pen. Now sit down and start to write some things down on paper. Just Brainstorm ideas like Your Shopping List, To Do List, Holiday Meals, etc... This will help relieve some of your stress, and prepare you for the hectic weeks to come.

We all need to take the time to come up with a Game Plan for the holiday season. Just like your favorite team has a Game Plan for their season, we need to come up with a plan of attack for tackling the holidays. We need to plan alternatives to our annual holiday travel arrangements, eating plans, exercise regimens, nutrition and supplementation. Everything will not go as planned this holiday season, it never does, so be prepared by having a Plan B as well as a Game Plan. I Know, I Know, this sounds like a LOT of Hard Work, but it really isn't. Get your brainstorming ideas for the entire Holiday Season down on paper and we will start working things out!! This will be an evolving project, so stay tuned!!

First and foremost, we need to address the annual gorge-fest we indulge ourselves with on each and every Thanksgiving Day. Find some interesting "lite" recipes for side dishes and desserts. Add more fruits and vegetables to the Holiday menu. (Fruit & Veggie Platters make excellent gifts if you are eating out as well!!) Drink lots of water. Stay away from the Alcohol at parties. (No nutritional value at all in Alcohol.) Remember to add broth based soup and salad courses to help you fill up on healthy foods before your main course. Keep away from the EggNog!! (Especially Uncle Joe's famous spiked version!!) Lets actually play football outside with the kids, instead of watching football on TV all day or playing Madden 2009. Handle leftovers with care. If the BIG Event is at your house, send extra plates of food home with freinds and family. If the event is at another house keep your doggie bag to a minimum. You can't eat what you don't bring home!!

Also, the College "Bowl Season" seems to last FOREVER, so don't get caught up watching the games or tailgaiting without a plan either. From now until the 2nd week in January there will be college footaball galore!! The same things hold true, have more fruits & veggies, drink more water and go light on the alcohol!! Remember these few tips and you can come up with a Game Plan of your own to battle the holidays. Let me know how things are going. WE will work on Thanksgiving's Plan B in the coming days!!
Timothy S. Cusack, CPT